Source code for slash.warnings

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections

import logbook
import warnings

from . import hooks
from .utils.warning_capture import warning_callback_context
from .ctx import context
from .exception_handling import handling_exceptions
from contextlib import contextmanager

_native_logger = logbook.Logger('slash.native_warnings')

def capture_all_warnings():
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=ImportWarning)

class LogbookWarning(UserWarning):

[docs] class SessionWarnings(object): """ Holds all warnings emitted during the session """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(SessionWarnings, self).__init__() self.warnings = []
@contextmanager def capture_context(self): capture_all_warnings() with warning_callback_context(self._capture_native_warning): yield def warning_should_be_filtered(self, warning): for ignored_warning in _ignored_warnings: if ignored_warning.matches(warning): return True return False def _capture_native_warning(self, message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument warning = RecordedWarning.from_native_warning(message, category, filename, lineno) if self.warning_should_be_filtered(warning): return self.add(warning) if not issubclass(category, LogbookWarning): _native_logger.warning('{filename}:{lineno}: {warning!r}', filename=filename, lineno=lineno, warning=warning) def add(self, warning): hooks.warning_added(warning=warning) # pylint: disable=no-member self.warnings.append(warning)
[docs] def __iter__(self): "Iterates through stored warnings" return iter(self.warnings)
def __len__(self): return len(self.warnings) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.warnings) __bool__ = __nonzero__
class WarnHandler(logbook.Handler, logbook.StringFormatterHandlerMixin): """ Like a stream handler but keeps the values in memory. This logger provides some ways to store warnings to log again at the end of the session. """ default_format_string = (u'[{record.time:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}] ' '{record.level_name}: {record.extra[source]}: {record.message}') def __init__(self, session_warnings, format_string=None, filter=None, bubble=True): logbook.Handler.__init__(self, logbook.WARNING, filter, bubble) logbook.StringFormatterHandlerMixin.__init__(self, format_string) self.session_warnings = session_warnings def should_handle(self, record): """Returns `True` if this record is a warning """ if == return False return record.level == self.level def emit(self, record): warnings.warn_explicit(message=record.message, category=LogbookWarning, filename=record.filename, lineno=record.lineno, module=record.module) WarningKey = collections.namedtuple("WarningKey", ("filename", "lineno")) class RecordedWarning(object): def __init__(self, details, message, category=None): super(RecordedWarning, self).__init__() self.details = details self.details['session_id'] = context.session_id if context.session else None self.details['test_id'] = context.test_id if context.test_id else None self.details.setdefault('func_name', None) self.key = WarningKey(filename=self.details['filename'], lineno=self.details['lineno']) self.category = category self._repr = message @classmethod def from_log_record(cls, record, handler): details = record.to_dict() return cls(details, handler.format(record)) @classmethod def from_native_warning(cls, message, category, filename, lineno): if isinstance(message, Warning): message = message.args[0] return cls({ 'message': message, 'type': category.__name__, 'filename': filename, 'lineno': lineno, }, message=message, category=category) @property def message(self): return self.details.get('message') @property def lineno(self): return self.details.get('lineno') @property def filename(self): return self.details.get('filename') def to_dict(self): return self.details.copy() def __repr__(self): return self._repr class _IgnoredWarning(object): def __init__(self, category, filename, lineno, message): self.category = category self.filename = filename self.lineno = lineno self.message = message @staticmethod def _pattern_matches(regex_or_str, warning_str): if regex_or_str is None: return False if regex_or_str == warning_str: return True elif hasattr(regex_or_str, 'match'): if regex_or_str.match(warning_str): return True return False def matches(self, warning): if self.category and not issubclass(warning.category, self.category): return False if self.filename and not self._pattern_matches(self.filename, warning.filename): return False if self.lineno and warning.lineno != self.lineno: return False if self.message and not self._pattern_matches(self.message, warning.message): return False return True def __repr__(self): extras = "" if self.category: extras += "category: {} ".format(self.category) if self.message: extras += "message: {} ".format(self.message) if self.lineno: extras += "lineno: {} ".format(self.lineno) if self.filename: extras += "filename: {} ".format(self.filename) if not extras: extras = "-" return "<IgnoredWarning: {}>".format(extras.strip()) _ignored_warnings = []
[docs] def ignore_warnings(category=None, message=None, filename=None, lineno=None): """ Ignores warnings of specific origin (category/filename/lineno/message) during the session. Unlike Python's default ``warnings.filterwarnings``, the parameters are matched only if specified (not defaulting to "match all"). Message can also be a regular expression object compiled with ``re.compile``. slash.ignore_warnings(category=CustomWarningCategory) .. note:: Filter arguments are treated as having an ``and`` logical relationship. .. note:: Calling ignore_warnings() with no arguments will ignore **all** warnings """ iw = _IgnoredWarning(category=category, filename=filename, lineno=lineno, message=message) _ignored_warnings.append(iw) return iw
@contextmanager def ignored_warnings(**kwargs): iw = ignore_warnings(**kwargs) with handling_exceptions(): yield try: _ignored_warnings.remove(iw) except ValueError: # In case clear_warnings was called inside this context, ValueError will be raised pass def clear_ignored_warnings(): del _ignored_warnings[:]