Source code for slash.exception_handling

from contextlib import contextmanager
from .utils.debug import debug_if_needed, NO_EXC_INFO
from .utils.exception_mark import mark_exception, get_exception_mark
from .utils.traceback_proxy import create_traceback_proxy
from . import hooks as trigger_hook
from . import exceptions
from .utils.python import PYPY
from .ctx import context as slash_context
from .conf import config

import functools
import threading
import logbook
    import raven  # pylint: disable=F0401
except ImportError:
    raven = None
import sys

_logger = logbook.Logger(__name__)

def update_current_result(exc_info):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    if slash_context.session is None:
    if slash_context.test is not None:
        current_result = slash_context.session.results.get_result(slash_context.test)
        current_result = slash_context.session.results.global_result


def trigger_hooks_before_debugger(_):
    trigger_hook.exception_caught_before_debugger()  # pylint: disable=no-member

def trigger_hooks_after_debugger(_):
    trigger_hook.exception_caught_after_debugger()  # pylint: disable=no-member


class _IgnoredState(threading.local):
    ignored_exception_types = ()

_ignored_state = _IgnoredState()

class thread_ignore_exception_context(object):

    def __init__(self, exc_type):
        super(thread_ignore_exception_context, self).__init__()
        self._exc_type = exc_type
        self._prev = None

    def __enter__(self):
        self._prev = _ignored_state.ignored_exception_types
        _ignored_state.ignored_exception_types = list(_ignored_state.ignored_exception_types) + [self._exc_type]

    def __exit__(self, *_):
        _ignored_state.ignored_exception_types = self._prev
        self._prev = None

[docs] def handling_exceptions(fake_traceback=True, **kwargs): """Context manager handling exceptions that are raised within it :param passthrough_types: a tuple specifying exception types to avoid handling, raising them immediately onward :param swallow: causes this context to swallow exceptions :param swallow_types: causes the context to swallow exceptions of, or derived from, the specified types :param context: An optional string describing the operation being wrapped. This will be emitted to the logs to simplify readability .. note:: certain exceptions are never swallowed - most notably KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, and SkipTest """ if not PYPY and fake_traceback: # Only in CPython we're able to fake the original, full traceback try: fake_tbs = create_traceback_proxy(frame_correction=2) except (KeyError, IndexError) as e: _logger.warn("Could not extract full traceback for exceptions handling") _logger.trace("Extraction failure: {!r}", e, exc_info=True) fake_tbs = tuple() else: fake_tbs = tuple() swallow = kwargs.pop("swallow", False) swallow_types = kwargs.pop('swallow_types', ()) if swallow: swallow_types = swallow_types + (Exception, ) assert isinstance(swallow_types, (list, tuple)), 'swallow_types must be either a list or a tuple' passthrough_types = kwargs.pop('passthrough_types', ()) + tuple(_ignored_state.ignored_exception_types) return _HandlingException(fake_tbs, swallow_types, passthrough_types, kwargs)
class _HandledException(object): exception = None class _HandlingException(object): def __init__(self, fake_tbs, swallow_types, passthrough_types, handling_kwargs): self._fake_traceback = fake_tbs self._kwargs = handling_kwargs self._passthrough_types = passthrough_types self._swallow_types = swallow_types self._handled = _HandledException() def __enter__(self): return self._handled def __exit__(self, *exc_info): if not exc_info or exc_info == NO_EXC_INFO: return exc_value = exc_info[1] if isinstance(exc_value, self._passthrough_types): return None if self._fake_traceback: (first_tb, last_tb) = self._fake_traceback (second_tb, _) = create_traceback_proxy(exc_info[2]) last_tb.tb_next = second_tb exc_info = (exc_info[0], exc_info[1], first_tb._tb) # pylint: disable=protected-access handle_exception(exc_info, **self._kwargs) self._handled.exception = exc_info[1] skip_types = () if slash_context.session is None else slash_context.session.get_skip_exception_types() if isinstance(exc_value, skip_types) or isinstance(exc_value, exceptions.INTERRUPTION_EXCEPTIONS): return None if self._swallow_types and isinstance(exc_value, self._swallow_types): _logger.trace('Swallowing {!r}', exc_value) return True return None def handle_exception(exc_info, context=None): """ Call any handlers or debugging code before propagating an exception onwards. This makes sure that the exception can be handled as close as possible to its originating point. It also adds the exception to its correct place in the current result, be it a failure, an error or a skip """ exc_value = exc_info[1] already_handled = is_exception_handled(exc_value) msg = "Handling exception" if context is not None: msg += " (Context: {0})" if already_handled: msg += " (already handled)" if is_exception_fatal(exc_value): msg += " FATAL" _logger.debug(msg, context, exc_info=exc_info if not already_handled else None) if not already_handled: mark_exception_handled(exc_info[1]) for handler in _EXCEPTION_HANDLERS: handler(exc_info) def mark_exception_handled(e): return mark_exception(e, "handled", True) def is_exception_handled(e): """ Checks if the exception ``e`` already passed through the exception handling logic """ return bool(get_exception_mark(e, "handled", False))
[docs] @contextmanager def get_exception_swallowing_context(report_to_sentry=True): """ Returns a context under which all exceptions are swallowed (ignored) """ try: yield except: if not get_exception_mark(sys.exc_info()[1], "swallow", True): raise if report_to_sentry: capture_sentry_exception() _logger.debug("Ignoring exception", exc_info=sys.exc_info())
[docs] def noswallow(exception): """ Marks an exception to prevent swallowing by :func:`slash.exception_handling.get_exception_swallowing_context`, and returns it """ mark_exception(exception, "swallow", False) return exception
[docs] def mark_exception_fatal(exception): """ Causes this exception to halt the execution of the entire run. This is useful when detecting errors that need careful examination, thus preventing further tests from altering the test subject's state """ mark_exception(exception, "fatal", True) return exception
def mark_exception_frame_correction(exception, correction=+1): current_correction = get_exception_frame_correction(exception) return mark_exception(exception, 'frame_correction', current_correction + correction) def get_exception_frame_correction(exception): return get_exception_mark(exception, 'frame_correction', 0) def is_exception_fatal(exception): return bool(get_exception_mark(exception, "fatal", False))
[docs] def inhibit_unhandled_exception_traceback(exception): """ Causes this exception to inhibit console tracback """ mark_exception(exception, "inhibit_console_tb", True) return exception
def should_inhibit_unhandled_exception_traceback(exception): return bool(get_exception_mark(exception, "inhibit_console_tb", False)) def disable_exception_swallowing(func_or_exception): """ Marks an exception to prevent swallowing. Can also be used as a decorator around a function to mark all escaped exceptions """ if isinstance(func_or_exception, BaseException): return noswallow(func_or_exception) @functools.wraps(func_or_exception) def func(*args, **kwargs): try: return func_or_exception(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException as e: disable_exception_swallowing(e) raise return func def capture_sentry_exception(): client = get_sentry_client() if client is not None: client.captureException() def get_sentry_client(): if raven is not None and config.root.sentry.dsn: return raven.Client(config.root.sentry.dsn) return None