Source code for slash.core.result

import functools
import itertools
import os
import pickle
import sys
from numbers import Number
import gossip
import logbook
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from vintage import deprecated

from .. import hooks
from ..ctx import context
from ..exception_handling import capture_sentry_exception, handling_exceptions
from .. import exceptions
from ..utils.exception_mark import ExceptionMarker
from ..utils.interactive import notify_if_slow_context
from ..utils.python import unpickle
from .details import Details
from .error import Error

_logger = logbook.Logger(__name__)

_ADDED_TO_RESULT = ExceptionMarker('added_to_result')

[docs] class Result(object): """Represents a single result for a test which was run """ pickle_key_blacklist = {'test_metadata', 'facts'} def __init__(self, test_metadata=None): super(Result, self).__init__() self.test_metadata = test_metadata #: dictionary to be use by tests and plugins to store result-related information for later analysis = {} self._start_time = None self._end_time = None self._errors = [] self._failures = [] self._skips = [] #: a :class:`slash.core.details.Details` instance for storing additional test details self.details = Details() self.facts = Details(set_callback=self._fact_set_callback) self._started = False self._finished = False self._interrupted = False self._log_path = None self._extra_logs = [] def _fact_set_callback(self, fact_name, fact_value): gossip.trigger('slash.fact_set', name=fact_name, value=fact_value) def is_global_result(self): return False def serialize(self): serialized_object = {} for key, value in vars(self).items(): if key not in Result.pickle_key_blacklist: try: serialized_object[key] = pickle.dumps(value) except (pickle.PicklingError, TypeError): _logger.debug('Failed serializing result, skipping this value. key = {}', key) capture_sentry_exception() return serialized_object def deserialize(self, result_dict): for key, value in result_dict.items(): try: self.__dict__[key] = unpickle(value) except TypeError: _logger.error('Error when deserialize reult, skipping this value. key = {}', key, extra={'capture': False}) for failure in self._failures: self.add_failure(failure, append=False) for error in self._errors: self.add_error(error, append=False) for skip in self._skips: self.add_skip(skip, append=False)
[docs] def add_exception(self, exc_info=None): """Adds the currently active exception, assuming it wasn't already added to a result """ if exc_info is None: exc_info = sys.exc_info() _, exc_value, _ = exc_info # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence if _ADDED_TO_RESULT.is_exception_marked(exc_value): return _ADDED_TO_RESULT.mark_exception(exc_value) if isinstance(exc_value, exceptions.FAILURE_EXCEPTION_TYPES): self.add_failure() elif isinstance(exc_value, context.session.get_skip_exception_types()): self.add_skip(getattr(exc_value, 'reason', str(exc_value))) elif isinstance(exc_value, exceptions.INTERRUPTION_EXCEPTIONS): err = Error.capture_exception(exc_info=exc_info) hooks.interruption_added(result=self, exception=err) # pylint: disable=no-member session_result = context.session.results.global_result interrupted_test = self.is_interrupted() interrupted_session = session_result.is_interrupted() if not self.is_global_result(): self.mark_interrupted() if not interrupted_test and not context.session.has_children(): with notify_if_slow_context(message="Cleaning up test due to interrupt. Please wait..."),\ handling_exceptions(swallow=True): hooks.test_interrupt() # pylint: disable=no-member if not interrupted_session: session_result.mark_interrupted() elif not isinstance(exc_value, GeneratorExit): #skip keyboardinterrupt and system exit self.add_error(exc_info=exc_info) else: _logger.trace('Ignoring GeneratorExit exception')
def has_errors_or_failures(self): return bool(self._failures or self._errors)
[docs] def get_log_path(self): """Returns log path """ return self._log_path
[docs] def set_log_path(self, path): """Set log path """ self._log_path = path
[docs] def get_log_dir(self): """Returns log's directory. """ if self._log_path is None: return None return os.path.dirname(self._log_path)
[docs] def add_extra_log_path(self, path): """Add additional log path. This path will be added to the list returns by get_log_paths """ self._extra_logs.append(path)
[docs] def get_log_paths(self): """Returns a list of all log paths """ logs = [] if self._log_path: logs.append(self._log_path) return logs + list(self._extra_logs)
def is_started(self): return self._started def is_not_run(self): return not self.is_started() and not self.has_errors_or_failures() def mark_started(self): self._start_time = self._started = True def is_error(self): return bool(self._errors) @property def test_id(self): return def is_failure(self): return bool(self._failures)
[docs] def is_just_failure(self): """Indicates this is a pure failure, without errors involved""" return self.is_failure() and not self.is_error()
def is_skip(self): return bool(self._skips) def is_run_and_skip(self): return self.is_started() and self.is_skip() def is_success(self, allow_skips=False): if self._errors or self._failures or self._interrupted: return False if self._skips: return allow_skips return self.is_started() def is_success_finished(self): return self.is_success() and self.is_finished() def is_finished(self): return self._finished def mark_finished(self): self._end_time = self._finished = True def mark_interrupted(self): self._interrupted = True def is_interrupted(self): return self._interrupted
[docs] def add_error(self, e=None, frame_correction=0, exc_info=None, append=True): """Adds a failure to the result """ err = self._add_error(self._errors, e, frame_correction=frame_correction + 1, exc_info=exc_info, append=append) context.reporter.report_test_error_added(context.test, err) return err
[docs] def add_failure(self, e=None, frame_correction=0, exc_info=None, append=True): """Adds a failure to the result """ err = self._add_error(self._failures, e, frame_correction=frame_correction + 1, exc_info=exc_info, is_failure=True, append=append) context.reporter.report_test_failure_added(context.test, err) return err
[docs] def set_test_detail(self, key, value): """Adds a generic detail to this test result, which can be later inspected or used """ self.details.set(key, value)
def _add_error(self, error_list, error=None, frame_correction=0, exc_info=None, is_failure=False, append=True): try: if error is None: error = Error.capture_exception(exc_info=exc_info) if error is None: raise RuntimeError('add_error() must be called with either an argument or in an active exception') if not isinstance(error, Error): error = Error(error, frame_correction=frame_correction + 1, exc_info=exc_info) if is_failure: # force the error object to be marked as failure error.mark_as_failure() error.log_added() if append: error_list.append(error) #report children errors or parent session errors only if not context.session or not context.session.has_children() or self.is_global_result(): hooks.error_added(result=self, error=error) # pylint: disable=no-member error.forget_exc_info() return error except Exception: _logger.error("Failed to add error to result", exc_info=True, extra={'capture': False}) raise def add_skip(self, reason, append=True): if append: self._skips.append(reason) context.reporter.report_test_skip_added(context.test, reason)
[docs] def get_duration(self): """Returns the test duration time as timedelta object :return: timedelta """ if self._end_time is None or self._start_time is None: return timedelta() return self._end_time - self._start_time
[docs] def get_errors(self): """Returns the list of errors recorded for this result :return: a list of :class:`slash.core.error.Error` objects """ return self._errors
[docs] def get_failures(self): """Returns the list of failures recorded for this result :return: a list of :class:`slash.core.error.Error` objects """ return self._failures
@deprecated('Use result.details.all()', since='0.20.0') def get_additional_details(self): return self.details.all() def get_skips(self): return self._skips def has_skips(self): return bool(self._skips) def has_fatal_errors(self): return any(e.is_fatal() for e in itertools.chain(self._errors, self._failures)) has_fatal_exception = has_fatal_errors def __repr__(self): return "<{} ({})>".format( self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join( attr for attr in ("success", "error", "failure", "skip", "finished", "interrupted") if getattr(self, "is_{}".format(attr))() ) )
class GlobalResult(Result): def __init__(self, session_results=None): super(GlobalResult, self).__init__() self._session_results = session_results def is_global_result(self): return True def is_success(self, allow_skips=False): if not super(GlobalResult, self).is_success(allow_skips=allow_skips): return False if self._session_results is None: return True if self._session_results.session.has_children() and self._session_results.session.parallel_manager.server.worker_error_reported: return False return all(result.is_success(allow_skips=allow_skips) for result in self._session_results.iter_test_results())
[docs] class SessionResults(object): def __init__(self, session): super(SessionResults, self).__init__() self.session = session self.global_result = GlobalResult(self) self._results_dict = {} self._iterator = functools.partial(iter, self._results_dict.values()) def __len__(self): return len(self._results_dict) def __repr__(self): return '<Results: {} successful, {} errors, {} failures, {} skips>'.format( self.get_num_successful(), self.get_num_errors(), self.get_num_failures(), self.get_num_skipped()) def iter_all_additional_details(self): for result in self.iter_all_results(): if result.details: yield result, result.get_additional_details()
[docs] def iter_all_failures(self): """Iterates over all results which have failures yields tuples of the form (result, failure_list) """ for result in self.iter_all_results(): if result.get_failures(): yield result, result.get_failures()
[docs] def iter_all_errors(self): """Iterates over all results which have errors yields tuples of the form (result, errors_list) """ for result in self.iter_all_results(): if result.get_errors(): yield result, result.get_errors()
@property def current(self): """Obtains the currently running result, if exists Otherwise, returns the global result object """ return context.result def __iter__(self): return self._iterator()
[docs] def is_success(self, allow_skips=False): """Indicates whether this run is successful :param allow_skips: Whether to consider skips as unsuccessful """ return self.global_result.is_success(allow_skips=allow_skips)
[docs] def is_interrupted(self): """Indicates if this session was interrupted """ return any(result.is_interrupted() for result in self._iterator())
def get_num_results(self): return len(self._results_dict) def get_num_started(self): return self._count(Result.is_started, include_global=False) def get_num_successful(self): return self._count(Result.is_success_finished, include_global=False) def get_num_errors(self): return self._count(Result.is_error) def get_num_failures(self): return self._count(Result.is_just_failure) def get_num_skipped(self, include_not_run=True): if include_not_run: return self._count(Result.is_skip) return self._count(Result.is_run_and_skip) def get_num_not_run(self): return self._count(Result.is_not_run, include_global=False)
[docs] def has_fatal_errors(self): """Indicates whether any result has an error marked as fatal (causing the session to terminate) """ return bool(self._count(Result.has_fatal_errors))
def _count(self, pred, include_global=True): returned = 0 iterator = self.iter_all_results( ) if include_global else self.iter_test_results() for result in iterator: if pred(result): returned += 1 return returned
[docs] def iter_test_results(self): """Iterates over results belonging to tests """ return iter(self)
[docs] def iter_all_results(self): """Iterates over all results, ending with the global result object """ return itertools.chain(self.iter_test_results(), [self.global_result])
def create_result(self, test): if in self._results_dict: raise exceptions.SlashInternalError("{} shouldn't appear in results dict before adding its result".format( returned = Result(test.__slash__) self._results_dict[] = returned return returned
[docs] def get_result(self, test): """Returns the result stored belonging to a given test """ if test.__slash__ is None: raise LookupError("Could not find result for {}".format(test)) return self._results_dict[]
def safe_get_result(self, test): if test.__slash__ is None: return None return self._results_dict.get( def __getitem__(self, test): if isinstance(test, Number): try: return next(itertools.islice(self._results_dict.values(), test, test + 1)) except StopIteration: raise IndexError() return self.get_result(test)