Source code for slash.core.error

import sys
import traceback

import arrow
import logbook
from vintage import deprecated, get_no_deprecations_context

from io import StringIO
from ..conf import config
from ..exception_handling import is_exception_fatal, get_exception_frame_correction
from ..exceptions import FAILURE_EXCEPTION_TYPES
from ..utils.formatter import Formatter
from ..utils.python import safe_set_attribute
from ..utils.traceback_utils import distill_call_stack, distill_traceback, distill_object_attributes

_logger = logbook.Logger(__name__)
_CAPTURED_ERROR_MARKER = "__slash_captured_error__"

[docs] class Error(object): traceback = exception_type = arg = _cached_detailed_traceback_str = None def __init__(self, msg=None, exc_info=None, frame_correction=0): super(Error, self).__init__() self.time = arrow.utcnow() self._fatal = False self._has_custom_message = (msg is not None) if msg is None and exc_info is not None: msg = traceback.format_exception_only(exc_info[0], exc_info[1])[0].strip() if not isinstance(msg, str): self.arg = msg msg = repr(msg) self.message = msg #: A string representation of the exception caught, if exists self.exception_str = exception = None #: A dictionary of distilled attributes of the exception object self._exception_attributes = None self.exc_info = exc_info if exc_info is not None: self.exception_type, exception, tb = exc_info # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence self.exception_str = repr(exception) self._exception_attributes = distill_object_attributes(exception, truncate=False) self.traceback = distill_traceback( tb, frame_correction=get_exception_frame_correction(exception)) else: self.traceback = distill_call_stack(frame_correction=frame_correction+4) self._is_failure = False self._fatal = exception is not None and is_exception_fatal(exception) self._is_failure = isinstance(exception, FAILURE_EXCEPTION_TYPES) @property @deprecated(since='1.5.0', what='error.exception_attributes') def exception_attributes(self): return self._exception_attributes def forget_exc_info(self): assert hasattr(self, 'exc_info') self.exc_info = None for frame in self.traceback.frames: frame.forget_python_frame() def log_added(self): tb = self.traceback.to_string(include_vars=config.root.log.traceback_variables) _logger.trace('Error added: {}\n{}', self, tb, extra={'highlight': True}) def has_custom_message(self): return self._has_custom_message def mark_as_failure(self): self._is_failure = True def is_fatal(self): return self._fatal @property @deprecated('Use error.exception_str', what='error.exception', since='1.2.3') def exception(self): return self.exception_str
[docs] def mark_fatal(self): """Marks this error as fatal, causing session termination """ self._fatal = True return self
def is_failure(self): return self._is_failure @classmethod def capture_exception(cls, exc_info=None): if exc_info is None: exc_info = sys.exc_info() _, exc_value, _ = exc_info if exc_value is None: return None cached = getattr(exc_value, _CAPTURED_ERROR_MARKER, None) if cached is not None: return cached returned = cls(exc_info=exc_info) safe_set_attribute(exc_value, _CAPTURED_ERROR_MARKER, returned) return returned @property def cause(self): if self.traceback is not None: return self.traceback.cause @property def filename(self): if self.traceback is not None: return self.traceback.cause.filename @property def lineno(self): """Line number from which the error was raised """ if self.traceback is not None: return self.traceback.cause.lineno @property def func_name(self): """Function name from which the error was raised """ if self.traceback is not None: return self.traceback.cause.func_name def __repr__(self): return '<{0.__class__.__name__}: {0.message}>'.format(self)
[docs] def get_detailed_traceback_str(self): """Returns a formatted traceback string for the exception caught """ if self._cached_detailed_traceback_str is None: stream = StringIO() f = Formatter(stream, indentation_string=' ') f.writeln("Traceback (most recent call last):") with f.indented(): for frame in self.traceback.frames: with get_no_deprecations_context(): locals_ = frame.locals globals_ = frame.globals f.writeln('File "{f.filename}", line {f.lineno}, in {f.func_name}:'.format(f=frame)) with f.indented(): f.writeln('>', frame.code_line.strip() or '?') with f.indented(): for title, vars in [('globals', globals_), ('locals', locals_)]: for index, (var_name, var_repr) in enumerate(vars.items()): if index == 0: f.writeln(title) f.indent() f.writeln(' - {}: {}'.format(var_name, var_repr['value'])) f.dedent() self._cached_detailed_traceback_str = stream.getvalue() return self._cached_detailed_traceback_str
def get_detailed_str(self): return '{}*** {}'.format( self.get_detailed_traceback_str(), self)